
( lowercase ) any extended period of leave from one's customary work, especially for rest, to acquire new skills or training, etc.
In case this blog ever expands beyond my circle of cherished friends: I have a confession to make. I am a veterinarian.
There. I've said it. This secret I've learned to keep under the cover of darkness whilst in public places (especially on airplanes, oh yes).... Well, this column will make a lot more sense if you know that.
For one thing, being a veterinarian is a tough job. It's not quite the same level of challenge as those guys who disarm bombs in Afghanistan, but more than once I've found myself poised over a surgery patient, in a similar situation to Jeremy Renner in "The Hurt Locker":
In any case, it's hardly the walk in the park I actually worried it might be. (I say worried because I dreaded a boring career. Veterinary medicine has been many things thus far, but "boring" has never been one of them.) This poster is actually not too far afield:
What the poster fails to address, and what I actually find most exhausting about the job, is people. I talk a lot on my job. A lot. In exam rooms, on the phone, at the front counter. And that's just the clients. I also talk a lot to the staff. I discuss cases, treatment orders, surgical directives, handle phone messages, prescription refill requests.
And a lot of those conversations are emotionally charged. I am not uncommonly discussing a pet's continued illness or even impending death. It's a valuable and important responsibility, and one I don't take lightly. But it wears on me, sometimes, to walk out of one exam room where I'm comforting a family who's just euthanized their 20-year-old cat, right into the next room where I'm expected to (and would honestly like to) enjoy the excitement of a family with a new puppy. Sometimes, this is me at the end of my workday:
And so, here I am, sixteen years into my veterinary career, and I feel a little bit burned out:
So, one day at work earlier this year, when our clinic office manager was lamenting that a veterinary surgery specialist wanted to come up and work at our clinic but we didn't have the hours to offer her full-time work, it was as if a spirit inhabited my body, and I was surprised to hear myself say, "Maybe she could have my hours?"
"Are you serious?" he asked.
It was almost an out-of-body experience. Part of my brain was yelling, "Hey, wait a minute, shouldn't we talk about this?" Still, somewhat befuddled, I replied, "I think so, maybe, yes." I half-expected to turn around and see Hermione Granger pointing her wand at me, casting a Confundus charm. But another part of me was thinking, No, this is good.
And before I could really think too much about the implications (financial impact, status impact [would I perceived as weak if I took a little time off?], marriage impact [how would that work if only one of us was working?], etc.), I was approved for a leave of absence. With my long academic history, it quickly became, to me, a "sabbatical." You can call it a leave of absence if you'd rather; I suppose "sabbatical" is somewhat pretentious, but you know what they say, "You can take the girl out of the liberal arts college, but..."
So for ten glorious weeks, I will not be working. Admittedly, some of that time was already planned out, the first week as jury duty, the last four as a trip overseas. But in between, well, that is what I am most eagerly anticipating.
As I shoveled my lunch into my mouth at work yesterday, running around the clinic giving treatment orders and answering phone questions the whole time, never sitting down once, I thought, "Well, I won't miss this." Actually sitting down and eating my lunch... What a concept.
I will also not miss these things:
My thermos. Mandatory green tea infusion every morning. Sometimes the only thing I drink for 12 hours.
My Danskos. Great support but I roll my ankle off the heel at least once a week. Black color doesn't show blood (or "other") stains.
Breakfast Cookies. My "breakfast" every day at work because: 1) I can eat it with my fingers, and 2) I can eat it over the course of several hours without it spoiling.
Of course, there are things I will miss. I mean, just look at this little guy, named "Rocky," of course:
And the unintentional humor in some people's choices of pets' names and their consequences:
Needless to say, a lot of people want to know what I'm going to do on my sabbatical. To be honest, I'm wondering that myself. I've ranged everywhere from a strict schedule of yoga every day + running + swimming + reading Shakespeare + learning Turkish (have I mentioned we're going to Turkey?) + hosting a dinner party once a week.... It's exhausting just reading that list!
Then I thought, "Well, I just shouldn't do anything." But that's not really me.
As my father (and, before him, some guy named Confucius) used to say, "Moderation in all things." So I'll probably make a short list of achievable goals, then leave the rest of the time free.
I am looking forward to more time with these things:
And doing this:
And hangin' out up here:
And spending time with this guy:
In the end, I think my ultimate goal is to find a way not to be annoyed by wrong-number phone calls. That's a bit metaphorical, but you catch my drift. These days, little annoyances can drive me batshit crazy. I mean, even in my own mind I take a step back from myself and think, "Oh, no, dearie -- that reaction is a little over the top." I haven't yet decided what that path to Zen looks like, but that's part of the fun, right? The journey?
(I thought about meditation, but I joined an online meditation program and I have completed exactly three 10-minute sessions in the past six weeks. AND I feel stressed and guilty about it. Not a promising start.)
So while I struggle with enviably uncomfortable feelings of disorientation and quandary of how best to spend (binge? or invest??) my sabbatical hours, I very eagerly anticipate switching out this calendar:
for these calendars:
or perhaps no calendars at all.
It turns out I've grown quite fond of writing, so maybe I'll even blog a little. If I have enough time, that is.
More, please.